Footer – Partners


Among others, these are the organizations/institutions we are closely cooperating with:


Partner Universities

The University of Klagenfurt has a number of bilateral agreements with universities worldwide. For detailed information please contact the International Office or refer to the link below.

For decades we have had a close friendship with the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Unfortunately, the summer program was relocated to Berlin a few years ago.

Prof. Christel Bell (University of Alabama) with one of her students. Thank you and your husband Prof. Bob Bell for supervising the program “Alabama in Austria” for so many years. It was a pleasure working with you!

Prof. Norbert Puszkar (Austin Peay State University) on a day trip with one of our trainers. Our cooperation (APSU in Austria) began in 2006 and will hopefully be continued for many years to come.

Students of the University of Alabama on the terrace of the Concordia dormitory, where we regularly organize barbecues and our popular “International Dinner” during the summer months. When will YOU join us?