Payment Methods
Please read our terms and conditions to learn more about fees and cancellation conditions. In the following you will find information on the different payment methods we can offer you.
Banking coordinates:
Bank: Raiffeisenlandesbank Kärnten
Address: Raiffeisenplatz 1, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria
Account #: 1.037.415
Routing #: 39.000
Account Holder: Deutsch in Österreich eV
IBAN: AT81 3900 0000 0103 7415
By linking your bank account to PayPal you can easily decide the payment method for your course or examination. With PayPal you can either pay charging your credit card or using your PayPal account balance. When you register for a PayPal account you verify your bank account once and from then on you can pay comfortably using just your email address and your password.
Sign up for a free PayPal account.
International Money Order to
Sprachenzentrum “Deutsch in Österreich”
Universität Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65 – 67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee